Exchange Feedback
Feedback from 2023
SASIN, Mod III, 2023
This Exchange Program was the most rewarding experience filled with amazing food, beautiful scenery, and the friendliest people in this world. I went to Thailand with an open mind and my values have evolved to be more accepting and welcoming of other cultures and beliefs. Nabonita Hoq, MBA 2023
ESADE, Mod III, 2023
Being in a classroom with over 40 different nationalities really opened up my mind and provided opportunities to meet and learn about different cultures.This Exchange Program was the most rewarding experience of my life. Eric Berger, MBA 2023
HEC, Mod III, 2023
This Exchange Program is something I will never forget, never regret, and probably the best decision I’ve made in business school. Lindsay Agnew, MBA 2023
SDA Bocconi, Mod III, 2023
I had a wonderful experience and got more out of this exchange developmentally than I could have ever expected. It gave me the courage to seek employment opportunities outside of the US. I gained a worldly perspective in such a short period of time. I am eager to learn more about the world. Tiyi McCorvey MBA 2023
Feedback from 2022
IESE, Spain, Mod III & IV
A thorough over view of everything, from location to courses, from shopping to sightseeing.
IESE MBA Exchange Summary_Abby DeBerry 2022. Abby Deberry, MBA 2022
HEC Paris, Module III
This exchange was the most influential several months of my life. I would recommend that any student who is interested to apply for the program because it was worth every second. The highlight of my MBA Experience. If anything, my belief that it is important to continue to stretch myself outside of my comfort zone has been validated through this experience. It was one of the most rewarding parts of KFBS for me. Hannah Noyes, MBA 2022
Exchange Blogs
- Italy, SDA Bocconi
Quotes from 2020 pre pandemic!
- Because of my exchange, I am a different person. I have seen places and met people that have further opened my eyes to how infinitely beautiful the world is.
- Studying abroad is essential to the MBA experience. Gaining a global perspective will provide benefits in the business world and beyond.
- Because of my exchange, I am more likely to recruit globally and expect to live abroad in the near future.
- Don’t hesitate to go abroad! It was the best way to round out my MBA experience before returning to the ‘real world’.
- This was by far the best decision that I have made while at KFBS. It was a beautiful country with amazing people. I have been home for 5 days and I wish I could already go back. Everything you see and do will be breathtaking.