WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is a leading German business school with an exceptional national and international reputation. WHU offers academic programs and continuing education for executives throughout their career. Founded in 1984 on the initiative of the Koblenz Chamber of Commerce and Industry, WHU has become a model for future-oriented research and teaching in business economics. WHU is synonymous with “Excellence in Management Education”, which it pursues in the following three core areas of activity: academic programs, research, and knowledge transfer in general management. WHU’s graduates, research and profitable collaboration with business partners demonstrates the School’s success in achieving its mission
Website: Main WHU MBA Program
Exchange Fact Sheet: WHU Campus Vallendar Fact Sheet 2024-25 BSc MSc Exchange
Exchange Fact Sheet: WHU Campus Duesseldorf Fact Sheet 2024-25
Term Dates:
- Fall: Mod I: September 2 – October 25; Mod II: October 28 – December 20
- Spring: Mod III: January 13 – March 10; Mod IV: March 11 – April 30
- Fall: Flexible Dates between September 1 and December 31. Short module options
- Spring: Flexible Dates betweem Janaury 1 and August 31. Short module options
Credits: 4.5 per module (at minimum)
Locations: Vallendar | Koblenz | Duesseldorf